The banner outside the multiplexes & the hoardings of old traditional talkies (hall) are fascinating, enough to get the movie lover inside. Yes, the movie – released today !
The history repeat itself – this is what it, seems like. It is just like wrapping of old product in a new style , the style & the pattern which is highly suited and accepted – in the present scenario (due to change in social milieu).
However, this kind of attempt – was already, been taken long time back (in 1971) by our very own Dev Anand (the man known, for his dark attire). Now the thoughts are revived & customised, due to changing need of the target audience. This is what a new banner may tell to us, once you will watch the movie. It’s not a promotion …. just a chuckle .!
This time the destination is Goa after Dharamshala this time there is no duppatta its a skirt’ and it is also a time when Rama & Krishna is also deleted due to their unpopularity.
Thank God Vishnu is still there, hope he will save all.
By Graces & Wishes Jsssdn 🙂