1010 Thanks Giving

Numbers are today’s life … !

But before I explain my understanding on this , I would like to thank , of having the concept of networking rather the social networking !.

My number , by the time I decided for this post was 1010 , so what would even be better than this , to include this number as my post headline , so I did and happy to say to all of you that my linkedin connections is at 1010 

It is the global importance of networking which led to such numbers in my profile. It is also a pro-activeness of the members who are using this platform for sharing the professional as well as the personal work related experiences. And moreover it’s a great idea behind to #integrate the commonness together

I am thankful to all my linked-in connects for accepting the request and making this happen. The commonness, which worked behind Is the thought of every professionals & Corporate workers of “Being Known globally” through their expertise and Industry experiences. So as , to be the part of every change which are taking place in trade & practices.

With little smile I must say this commonness is full of competitiveness. And this competitiveness is the accelerator for these increasing numbers. All these exchange the inter-relations among-st each other. And promoting the idea of social #networking heavily .

My thanks to all of you once again !


By Graces & Wishes Jsssdn 🙂